Saturday, January 26, 2008

More information

Well we didn't sleep last night, she was having reactions to her medicine again. So today they started her on a different one and so far so good. They took out the IV, the epidural, and the catheter today. They also changed her diet back to a "normal" diet, so she wanted us to go get her Panda Express...haha
The surgeon came in around 10 and was going to leave after a minute but I stopped him so we could ask questions. The lymph nodes that were taken were from the 10 inch section of colon they took out, they didn't biopsy any other lymph nodes.
He said that she is a Stage 4 (from 0-4), and he thinks that she is either a grade 2 or 3 (from 1-3). He said that there was a possibility that it has gone to other organs but it is hard to know. He believes the chemo regiment will be once every other week. He told us to live life as normal as possible while this is all happening.
As a family we are trying to do research and figure out what needs to be done but it really comes down to what the oncologist says.
We are probably going to be checking out of the hospital tomorrow but we don't know when.
We had lots of visitors today including the Bishop and his wife, Bonnie's twin brothers wife and 4 of the children, and Bonnie's sister.


Ryan C. Fisher said...

Dear Bonnie, Kevin & family,

We just learned of your situation yesterday.

Needless to say we are worried and feeling a little helpless. That being said, we trust that you are doing everything you need to do to bring about the most positive results. You have to trust your doctors and of course the Lord!

Although we are a couple thousand miles from you are definitely close in our hearts , minds and prayers.

We will monitor this site and keep in touch.

Ryan C. Fisher Family

January 27, 2008 7:26 AM

Kim said...

We're grateful that we have access to your blog to keep us informed on the situation. Our thougts and prayers are with your family.

Chris, Kim, and Elliott Lucherini

Unknown said...


We just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We believe in miracles...but more importantly we believe that Heavenly Father is in control and there is peace and comfort in that. We want to come see you, and know you had lots of visitors Saturday and saw the cars there today on the way home from church. But we'll be seein' ya soon. Thank you, Merissa, for doing this bloggy thing too - this is my second time because my first one was deleted so other than it pointing out my blog-illiteracy and's a great thing. Hey, we love ya'll and take care and we'll be in touch.

Sending lots of love an faith your way,
The VanOrmans
Scott,Keri,Tanner,Bryce, &Alli

Anonymous said...

Hello Rawlings Family-
Just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We wish you best of luck in your treatments and recovery.
- Kenny, Brooke, and Ashtyn Favero

Julie said...

Hi Bonnie and family, David and I want to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and take care of you. Julie