Monday, January 28, 2008

1st Day Home

Since Bonnie has been home they have had lots of visitors. She slept pretty well last night. But she wasn't able to get any naps in today. Grandma flew into town today, but was 3 hours delayed due to one of the craziest storm we have ever seen! Grandma will be in town for 2 weeks, to help run Bonnie to appointments, and help with things around the house while she recovers from surgery.
The food that members of the ward, friends, and family have been bringing over is so much appreciated. It would be near impossible for us to get a decent meal prepared with everything else going on right now.
We are having a special fast this Fast Sunday for Bonnie and the Family to have the hope, courage, and endurance to make it through this trying time. Please join us if you wish.

Love the Rawlings


Anonymous said...

We will for sure join in the fast! Our prayers are with you!

Anonymous said...

Along with the rest of the ward, we were shocked when we heard what was happening. When the Bishop gave us the news, there was a still, calm reverence in the congregation.

Know that you are in the Sonntag family prayers every night.

Thank you for the blog to keep us informed.


Wally Sonntag.

Anonymous said...

my prayers are with you.... sounds like you are receiving the meals brought in....I will call tomorrow and see if you need us to extend them after Wednesday....take care...

golda cawley

Vic Saunders said...

Kevin and Bonnie

I just found out about this. WOW! News travels slowly up to the great white north. We'll pray for your health Bonnie, and I'll make sure you're name is placed on the roll at the Columbia River Temple. You probably feel a little alone right now, but know that there are hundreds of people out there who know you, love you, and are praying for you. Yeah, this is serious, but as you've already seen by the reaction from your Ward, people are going to be there for you. Your surgeon had the right words for you-- live your life as normally as you can with this. Shove this right back in "cancer's face" and show it that you are the boss. You will beat this and look back on it one day as one of those things you had to go through. We know you're a fighter, and you have one heckuva great man there to help you, and great kids and family who love you. We're all pulling for you! Keep us in the loop.

Vic and Kelley Saunders
Kennewick, Washington