Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Round 9 and 10

Well today is July 8, and we are at the cancer center getting treatment #10. What happened to #9? It came 2 weeks ago but I didn’t post anything on it. For her 7, 8, and 9 treatments she didn’t receive the Oxalaplatin, so her recovery and overall feeling of well being has been a lot better than previously. She was more active and was able to do some cleaning and cooking and enjoyed life a little better.

But today she is getting the Ox again since she has most of the feeling back in her fingers. But they reduced the dose from 140 mg to 70 mg, so hopefully she won’t be as sick as she had been before. That drug helps the other drugs be more affective against the cancer, so it is good to have. When she gets her 48 hour pump off in 2 days they will give her a shot of Nulasta(?) so that her white blood cell counts can recover sooner. Hopefully she can keep getting that Ox again for her last 2 treatments so that it knocks out any and all of that cancer. Her cell count today was 1.7 which was a little low. We were surprised because she felt so good. That is another reason to give her the nulasta to help her white cell count.

She started feeling woozy during her treatment today instead of after. That hasn’t happened before. She is feeling more stomach sickness tonight, but so far so good. We hope she feels ok this week.

On another note, Merissa finally got her loan funded on her new home on July 2 (the 9th anniversary of our wagon accident). Wells Fargo took forever to come through. See pictures of it at http://stylishindraper.blogspot.com/ . I had the 3rd and 4th off and we spent those days and the 5th and the 7th in the evening cleaning it and pulling carpets and fixing the garage door opener (then my own needed replacing) and getting the sprinkler system going. Hopefully the lawn can recover from no water yet this year. There is a big peach tree and apple tree in the back yard loaded with fruit. It is 5 bedrooms and 3 baths and she will have 4 roommates that will pay her mortgage. You can see the new Draper temple out the front door and the Jordan River and new Daybreak temple off the back deck. Can you believe it; 25 years old, 2 years out of college, has a great paying job and new home. I’m jealous. Some guy has to like that doesn’t he?

Thanks for you prayers and support. We get into our new church July 27.

1 comment:

Kim Madsen said...

I'm glad to hear you have less tingling and numbness in your fingers and feet, Bonnie. Hope going back on the Oxyplatin isn't too tough. I think any of those platinum based drugs are really hard. Hang in there and keep fighting the good fight!

