Thursday, April 17, 2008

5th Round

Well this past weekend we spent time at the Gunderson wedding and some time furniture shopping for stuff for both moms house and the house that I am looking at buying.
She went in for treatment on Tuesday and everything seemed normal. On Wednesday when she woke up she was very sick. Fever, sore throat, nausea, and other symptoms. Mom of course didn't want to call the doctor, and I didn't find out about it until after 5. About 8 I finally called the on call doctor and had him call the house. I can't get a clear story about what the doctor said but they want to keep checking her temperature and that they would see her on Thursday to get the pump out.
So today she went into the doctor about 1 o'clock and they didn't really do anything. She said she was feeling a little better, and she sounded better. She keeps saying that this is something that she needs to just wait out and get over. I am a little concerned about this due to the fact that she is so resistant to calling the doctor , or getting help.
They also told her the results of the latest blood work and her liver function is down further. That is a scary thing to hear considering what that could mean.
We are still living life to the fullest in every good moment we have.
I will post shortly about all the goings on outside of cancer world.
Please pray for our family. Please place our names on the temple rolls, and prayer rolls in your area. We need all of the hope, courage, and positivity that we can muster.
Thank you for all that you have done for us and for the support you have given our family.
We truly love you all!



Gundersen Family said...

I'm so sorry to hear this round was so hard on you Bonnie. I hope you are feeling better now. Take care and we will continue to pray for you. Thanks so much for your efforts in coming to Kendall's wedding. We love you guys.

Linda M said...

Take care of yourselves. I'm sorry this is an especially hard time. I'll pray for you guys.

Kim Madsen said...


It just sucks--that's the only thing you can say about the yucky side effects of the slow poison they feed us. I was sorry to hear this was getting harder. Don't hesitate to check back frequently with your doctor, especially when you have a fever present! That is not good news for those on chemo. I remember you in my prayers all the time. Hope the furniture shopping was a bright spot in all of this! I'll check in on you.
