Saturday, January 10, 2009
Update #3 January 2009
We started the year off with Great News. Bonnie is now cancer free. She had a colonoscopy on the 7th and the doctor said everything was clean, not even any polyps. We are excited. She is relieved.
She had a CT scan in mid December and they said they couldn't see anything from it either.
She is still having back pain and she may have some scar tissue on the outside of the large bowel where it was re-sected from the first surgery, There was no scar tissue inside the bowel and you could see where it was stitched.
Thanks to everyone again for your many notes, thoughts, foods, kindnesses, and especially your valued prayers.
It has been a long, hard year, but we still found a way to get in some great travel (WAC Tourney in Las Cruces , Yellowstone, Family reunion in Ephriam, Lake Mead/Vegas/Aggie Football, Orlando, and St George) and hope to do more travel in 2009. We already have a trip to Reno (WAC Tourney) planned in March and we will take a trip to Cancun this spring. Then a family reunion at Bear Lake this summer and probably a couple more before the year is out. Can you think of a better way to celebrate (or not)(who needs a reason) than to travel?
Thanks again.
Update #2 November/December 2008

Update #1 November 12, 2008
Long time no hear from us, huh.
Thought we better let you know of things going on since the last post in August.
Bonnie started radiation on September 8 and had to go every weekday for a 5 minute treatment. She did it at LDS hospital which is closer than the new IHC hospital. JaNae would take her a day or two a week on average and I would take her on Friday’s. Other kind sisters in the Ward would take her the other days. It took longer to get there and back than the time spent there.
She would lay face down on a table and they would raise it up to the radiation projector and line up the tattooed dots that they put on her butt and each hip. Then the projector would start on one side and go up and over to the other side emanating radiation the whole time. For the last 4 days of radiation they narrowed the beam and increased the intensity for more targeted treatment. Treatments ended on October 16.
The side affects of the radiation were a real treat too. She was nauseated a lot and had diarrhea for many days also. The affects would hit with barely any notice on most evenings and made her pretty miserable. It took 3-4 weeks for the side affects to go away (mostly). She still is tired all the time and has some vertigo feelings going on now.
We went to Lake Mead at the end of August and stayed on James and Tammy’s houseboat for 4 days and had a great time. The lake and weather were warm (hot), but the nice air conditioning made it bearable. We would go out on a wave runner a couple times a day and really enjoyed it. Thanks James and Tammy, it is a wonderful vacation spot and houseboat! Two of my sisters spent the first night with us and we had a good time. Then we spent 3 nights in Vegas and went to the Aggie/Vegas football game.
We are leaving this Friday the 14th to go with my sister and her husband, Louise and Bob to Orlando for a week to go to Disney parks. Merissa and JaNae decided to go down at the same time but are staying at a different resort. We will have a meal together each day when down there. We are taking a wheelchair for Bonnie because she gets so tired after long days. Chad Akagi (Rachelle) arranged for us to use one, thanks.
I'll show some pictures of the houseboat my niece (Tammy) took because ours were not good. And a couple of pictures of Bonnie getting radiation if I can find them.